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Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer - Albums Trilogues

Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer - Albums Paulien Live

2021/08/13 2021/08/13 Fayçal Salhi au Musée Courbet à Ornans #335697
2021/05/15 2021/05/15 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 https://www.comedien.ch/agenda/le-pont-du-nord-theatre-populaire-romand-centre-neuchatelois-des-arts-vivants-la-chaux-de-fonds-537/
2021/05/14 2021/05/14 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 https://www.comedien.ch/agenda/le-pont-du-nord-theatre-populaire-romand-centre-neuchatelois-des-arts-vivants-la-chaux-de-fonds-537/
2021/05/12 2021/05/12 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2021/05/11 2021/05/11 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2021/05/10 2021/05/10 Théatre national de Béthune #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2019/06/04 2019/06/04 Le Sunside #335697 https://www.sunset-sunside.com/2019/6/artiste/3400/6171/
2019/01/26 2019/01/26 The Stage (Besançon) #335697 https://lescenacle.fr/
2019/01/25 2019/01/25 Jazz cellar (Delle) #335697 https://www.delle-animation.com/cinema/event/1039-damien-groleau-trio
2019/01/17 2019/01/17 French Institute of Algiers #335697 https://www.if-algerie.com/alger/agenda-culturel/liste-evenements?thematique=arts-de-la-scene
2018/12/27 2018/12/27 Tandem Besançon Matanzas! #335697
2018/12/16 2018/12/16 Besançon (Christmas market) #335697
2018/10/01 2018/10/01 Xian (China) #335697
2016/09/13 2016/09/13 Sunside #335697 http://www.sunset-sunside.com/
2016/06/15 2016/06/15 Issy les moulineaux #335697 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.630810017087308.1073741830.221765721325075&type=3
2016/03/26 2016/03/26 La Fraternelle, Saint Claude Jazz Club, Jura #335697 http://www.maisondupeuple.fr/
2015/11/14 2015/11/14 Edwige Feuillère Theater in Vesoul #335697 http://www.theatre-edwige-feuillere.fr/
2015/10/05 2015/10/05 Scénacle (Besançon) #335697 https://lescenacle.fr/
2015/09/12 2015/09/12 Gaëtan Leroux piano shop #335697 http://www.gaetanleroux.com/
2014/09/14 2014/09/14 The Marulaz #335697 http://www.lemarulaz.com/le-marulaz/
2014/09/13 2014/09/13 Cirque Plume House #335697 http://www.cirqueplume.com/
2014/07/06 2014/07/06 The Flagey Farm #335697 http://www2.doubs.fr/courbet/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=4
2014/07/05 2014/07/05 Art Zone #335697 http://www.zone-art.org/
2014/07/04 2014/07/04 Trou Au Loup #335697 http://www.trou-au-loup.com/
2014/05/31 2014/05/31 Blue House of Strasbourg #335697 http://www.lamaisonbleue-stbg.com/
2014/01/31 2014/01/31 Café International in Besançon #335697 http://www.crous-besancon.fr/service/cafe-international/
2013/03/08 2013/03/08 Les Citoyens Clandestins bookseller in Besançon #335697 http://citoyensclandest.canalblog.com/
2013/01/13 2013/01/13 Silex (Auxerre) #335697 http://www.lesilex.fr/
2012/03/16 2012/03/16 The Fraternal (Saint-Claude) #335697 http://www.maisondupeuple.fr/
2011/07/22 2011/07/22 Jazz club The Blujazz in Singapore #335697 http://www.blujazcafe.net/
2011/03/31 2011/03/31 Bacchus Theater in Besançon #335697
2010/12/15 2010/12/15 Nikko Hotel (San Francisco, United States) #335697
2024/10/22 2024/10/22 #335697
2024/10/22 2024/10/22 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/

album Aubes

Aubes - Album cover

Piano solo, compositions

Produced by Little Big Music

The dawn blower blew into a piano.
So the dawn became melodies.
There is a dawn that blushes in front of the sun with shy cloud poses.
His chords give hope for a first kiss.
There is another, it is the dawn of a life which begins.
You can hear the smiles of the chocolate cheeks.
Here is one with a gray look that knows how to shake the leaves.
It looks like she is dropping rain notes on our heads.
This other one, there, she may be angry ... She crunches everywhere ...
And when we listen to her, we tell ourselves that she is surely right to be angry ...
Then there is this dawn who wears an evening dress while dancing a cocktail!
Listen! She organizes her delay to make the night last!
There is also the one with misty eyes looking for the moon. It is a dawn which is not morning.
She will not ring the alarm clock, she is so sweet.
I also heard one with breaks in the sky. She stubbornly stared at our hearts.
Like a rumble to make them start again.
And then there is also ...
How to say…
There are so many.
Maybe it would be easier for you to listen to them yourself?

release year : 2018
total duration : 00:00


  • 01. Jardin De Tunis (À Anouar Brahem) 07:23
  • 02. Musica Callada 04:13
  • 03. Minha 05:43
  • 04. Little India 05:30
  • 05. Questions 01:49
  • 06. Aubes 02:30
  • 07. Chant Populaire Persan 02:30
  • 08. Plus Près 02:48
  • 09. Mama 05:14
  • 10. Silence 04:28
  • 11. Guadeloupe 04:06

update : March 9, 2020 at 9:25 AM