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Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer - Albums Trilogues

Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer - Albums Paulien Live

2021/08/13 2021/08/13 Fayçal Salhi au Musée Courbet à Ornans #335697
2021/05/15 2021/05/15 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 https://www.comedien.ch/agenda/le-pont-du-nord-theatre-populaire-romand-centre-neuchatelois-des-arts-vivants-la-chaux-de-fonds-537/
2021/05/14 2021/05/14 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 https://www.comedien.ch/agenda/le-pont-du-nord-theatre-populaire-romand-centre-neuchatelois-des-arts-vivants-la-chaux-de-fonds-537/
2021/05/12 2021/05/12 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2021/05/11 2021/05/11 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2021/05/10 2021/05/10 Théatre national de Béthune #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2019/06/04 2019/06/04 Le Sunside #335697 https://www.sunset-sunside.com/2019/6/artiste/3400/6171/
2019/01/26 2019/01/26 The Stage (Besançon) #335697 https://lescenacle.fr/
2019/01/25 2019/01/25 Jazz cellar (Delle) #335697 https://www.delle-animation.com/cinema/event/1039-damien-groleau-trio
2019/01/17 2019/01/17 French Institute of Algiers #335697 https://www.if-algerie.com/alger/agenda-culturel/liste-evenements?thematique=arts-de-la-scene
2018/12/27 2018/12/27 Tandem Besançon Matanzas! #335697
2018/12/16 2018/12/16 Besançon (Christmas market) #335697
2018/10/01 2018/10/01 Xian (China) #335697
2016/09/13 2016/09/13 Sunside #335697 http://www.sunset-sunside.com/
2016/06/15 2016/06/15 Issy les moulineaux #335697 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.630810017087308.1073741830.221765721325075&type=3
2016/03/26 2016/03/26 La Fraternelle, Saint Claude Jazz Club, Jura #335697 http://www.maisondupeuple.fr/
2015/11/14 2015/11/14 Edwige Feuillère Theater in Vesoul #335697 http://www.theatre-edwige-feuillere.fr/
2015/10/05 2015/10/05 Scénacle (Besançon) #335697 https://lescenacle.fr/
2015/09/12 2015/09/12 Gaëtan Leroux piano shop #335697 http://www.gaetanleroux.com/
2014/09/14 2014/09/14 The Marulaz #335697 http://www.lemarulaz.com/le-marulaz/
2014/09/13 2014/09/13 Cirque Plume House #335697 http://www.cirqueplume.com/
2014/07/06 2014/07/06 The Flagey Farm #335697 http://www2.doubs.fr/courbet/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=4
2014/07/05 2014/07/05 Art Zone #335697 http://www.zone-art.org/
2014/07/04 2014/07/04 Trou Au Loup #335697 http://www.trou-au-loup.com/
2014/05/31 2014/05/31 Blue House of Strasbourg #335697 http://www.lamaisonbleue-stbg.com/
2014/01/31 2014/01/31 Café International in Besançon #335697 http://www.crous-besancon.fr/service/cafe-international/
2013/03/08 2013/03/08 Les Citoyens Clandestins bookseller in Besançon #335697 http://citoyensclandest.canalblog.com/
2013/01/13 2013/01/13 Silex (Auxerre) #335697 http://www.lesilex.fr/
2012/03/16 2012/03/16 The Fraternal (Saint-Claude) #335697 http://www.maisondupeuple.fr/
2011/07/22 2011/07/22 Jazz club The Blujazz in Singapore #335697 http://www.blujazcafe.net/
2011/03/31 2011/03/31 Bacchus Theater in Besançon #335697
2010/12/15 2010/12/15 Nikko Hotel (San Francisco, United States) #335697
2025/02/16 2025/02/16 #335697
2025/02/16 2025/02/16 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/

project Solo

“What would be really surprising is that the sound could not suggest the color”
wrote Baudelaire

With his piano, Damien Groleau justifies the poet: pastel colors appear here and there; others explode and explode like oranges; others are sparkling under a strange layer of delicacy. The ear begins to see. The heart begins to hear. And we start to listen to this painting of a soul that meditates, of a tenderness that sings, of a mystery that seeks itself. We let ourselves be rocked, we let ourselves be dragged, and we find ourselves carried away by these melodies. We have humble notes here. Notes that hesitate just enough to seed the orchard with newfound harmony. This harmony is not so far away ... It is not so far, this piano seems to say ...
She is right next door…
Listen and see ...
François Requet

    Damien Groleau - Photo credit Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer
    Damien Groleau - Photo credit Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer
    Damien Groleau - Photo credit Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer
    Damien Groleau - Photo credit Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer

update : March 9, 2020 at 9:25 AM