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Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer - Albums Trilogues

Damien Groleau, pianist, flautist, composer - Albums Paulien Live

2021/08/13 2021/08/13 Fayçal Salhi au Musée Courbet à Ornans #335697
2021/05/15 2021/05/15 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 https://www.comedien.ch/agenda/le-pont-du-nord-theatre-populaire-romand-centre-neuchatelois-des-arts-vivants-la-chaux-de-fonds-537/
2021/05/14 2021/05/14 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 https://www.comedien.ch/agenda/le-pont-du-nord-theatre-populaire-romand-centre-neuchatelois-des-arts-vivants-la-chaux-de-fonds-537/
2021/05/12 2021/05/12 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2021/05/11 2021/05/11 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2021/05/10 2021/05/10 Théatre national de Béthune #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/
2019/06/04 2019/06/04 Le Sunside #335697 https://www.sunset-sunside.com/2019/6/artiste/3400/6171/
2019/01/26 2019/01/26 The Stage (Besançon) #335697 https://lescenacle.fr/
2019/01/25 2019/01/25 Jazz cellar (Delle) #335697 https://www.delle-animation.com/cinema/event/1039-damien-groleau-trio
2019/01/17 2019/01/17 French Institute of Algiers #335697 https://www.if-algerie.com/alger/agenda-culturel/liste-evenements?thematique=arts-de-la-scene
2018/12/27 2018/12/27 Tandem Besançon Matanzas! #335697
2018/12/16 2018/12/16 Besançon (Christmas market) #335697
2018/10/01 2018/10/01 Xian (China) #335697
2016/09/13 2016/09/13 Sunside #335697 http://www.sunset-sunside.com/
2016/06/15 2016/06/15 Issy les moulineaux #335697 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.630810017087308.1073741830.221765721325075&type=3
2016/03/26 2016/03/26 La Fraternelle, Saint Claude Jazz Club, Jura #335697 http://www.maisondupeuple.fr/
2015/11/14 2015/11/14 Edwige Feuillère Theater in Vesoul #335697 http://www.theatre-edwige-feuillere.fr/
2015/10/05 2015/10/05 Scénacle (Besançon) #335697 https://lescenacle.fr/
2015/09/12 2015/09/12 Gaëtan Leroux piano shop #335697 http://www.gaetanleroux.com/
2014/09/14 2014/09/14 The Marulaz #335697 http://www.lemarulaz.com/le-marulaz/
2014/09/13 2014/09/13 Cirque Plume House #335697 http://www.cirqueplume.com/
2014/07/06 2014/07/06 The Flagey Farm #335697 http://www2.doubs.fr/courbet/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=4
2014/07/05 2014/07/05 Art Zone #335697 http://www.zone-art.org/
2014/07/04 2014/07/04 Trou Au Loup #335697 http://www.trou-au-loup.com/
2014/05/31 2014/05/31 Blue House of Strasbourg #335697 http://www.lamaisonbleue-stbg.com/
2014/01/31 2014/01/31 Café International in Besançon #335697 http://www.crous-besancon.fr/service/cafe-international/
2013/03/08 2013/03/08 Les Citoyens Clandestins bookseller in Besançon #335697 http://citoyensclandest.canalblog.com/
2013/01/13 2013/01/13 Silex (Auxerre) #335697 http://www.lesilex.fr/
2012/03/16 2012/03/16 The Fraternal (Saint-Claude) #335697 http://www.maisondupeuple.fr/
2011/07/22 2011/07/22 Jazz club The Blujazz in Singapore #335697 http://www.blujazcafe.net/
2011/03/31 2011/03/31 Bacchus Theater in Besançon #335697
2010/12/15 2010/12/15 Nikko Hotel (San Francisco, United States) #335697
2025/02/16 2025/02/16 #335697
2025/02/16 2025/02/16 Le pont du nord, une pièce de Marie Fortuit produite par le CDN #335697 http://www.comediedebethune.org/spectacle/le-pont-du-nord/

France 3


date : May 31, 2019

The jazz pianist Damien Groleau or music in the veins ... Damien Groleau fell into the deep end of music when he was little. Since then, his whole life has been punctuated by knowledge of the 4th art. While still a teenager, he joined jazz workshops in Besançon and met a community of active musicians. It is the revelation. At their side, he is no longer alone. "I met a community of bisontinian musicians who were as perched as me, because it's not easy when you're a teenager and you play jazz and improvised music. Nobody does that " have fun with the original bisontin.
For several years, he strove to perfect the piano, his favorite instrument, but also the transverse barrel and composition, alongside accomplished musicians. His thing is improvisation but above all the discovery of various musical styles. "When we really like something we try to understand it. It is important, because each style of music has very specific codes " explained the artist on the set of # studio3.
Bill Evans, Chick Corea, Errol Garner, more generally American jazz, but also European romantic music and Latin music particularly attract the pianist. The latter spoke to us about his art with a lot of love and passion.
Over the course of musical encounters and collaborations, Damien's music is exported far beyond the borders of the bisontine, then French. Brazil, Tunisia, United States, Singapore, China, Indonesia… Damien Groleau travels and makes his notes sound from one end of the globe to the other.
Three years ago, the young man began a collaboration with the double bass player Sylvain Dubrez, from the Jura, and the drummer Nicolas Grupp, native of Montpellier. The two musicians with no less interesting careers bring their know-how and embellish the compositions of the Bisontin.
Released in May 2019, the album "Trilogues" gives pride of place to exchange and complicity. It is to put in the hands of all lovers of classical jazz. France 3 Logo France 3 - See the screenshot of the article

update : March 9, 2020 at 9:25 AM